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required precision中文是什么意思

用"required precision"造句"required precision"怎么读"required precision" in a sentence


  • 精度要求


  • Inside diameter required precision seamless steel tube for hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder use
  • What need to be considered in the designing stage to reach to the required precision leel
  • What need to be considered in the designing stage to reach to the required precision level
  • Using afem based on local error estimation , we can give relevant mesh on different frequency phase with required precision
  • The course demands constant attention as a combination of tree - lined fairways and diverse rolling terrain require precision , rather than distance
  • The paper describes detailed design of all components of measuring head and through precision analysis expounds required precision to some important components , which affect the system ' s measurement precision directly
  • The straight section of secondary air duct for boiler of 600 mw supercritical unit manufactured by dongfang boiler factory is shorter , at the time the measurement of air flow is being carried out by adopting velocity - equalizing tube flowmeter , the required precision can ' t be reached
  • This method is better than the traditional method that relates the divergence of sediment transport rate to the deposition rate . the output of the tidal modelling reaches the required precision according to a comparison between the calculated tidal amplitudes / phases and the observed ones at 42 coastal tide gauge stations
  • Based on extended kalman filter ( ekf ) algorithm , an traditional attitude determination scheme using star sensors and gyros was studied , and proved not able to achieve the required precision . so a new idea called instrument - in - loop was presented what using the attitude information contained in the payload ' s data for the control loop . the simulation proved that the instrument - in - loop method can greatly improve the precision of attitude determination with low cost
    建立了svom卫星各种姿态敏感器的测量模型,研究了基于推广卡尔曼滤波算法的“星敏感器+光纤陀螺”定姿方案,指出了其无法满足svom卫星的定姿精度要求,并提出了instrument - in - loop的思想,即利用卫星有效载荷测量数据中蕴含的高精度姿态信息来滤波定姿,从而在避免使用昂贵的星敏感器的同时大大提高了系统的定姿精度。
  • Coke oven is a complex plant with the characters of large time - delay , strong non - linear , multivariable coupling and changeable parameters . the dynamic process of the coke oven is driven by both continuous variables and discrete events . the mean flue temperature is affected by many reasons and it is difficult to control the temperature to required precision by the normal control methods
用"required precision"造句  
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